The shopping channel have created card making kits and stamps paired with a range of sentiments with which the customer can build up layer upon layer of papers, with backgrounds and foreground elements extracted from my designs. The collection will be called ' A Stroll Through Nature'.

My first show is scheduled for 9am and I appear again at 5pm at the Ideal Shopping Direct studio based in Peterborough. I'm no stranger to live television having spent some time on QVC several years ago, but this will be quite a different experience altogether. I will be illustrating live on air and talking about my inspiration for my ranges, so you will be able to see me at work, drawing those never ending dots I'm so accustomed to.
If you are a stranger to Create & Craft, often the end use for the card making kits are for philanthropic ventures, where the crafter can create 100 versions of each different card to sell, often raising funds for good causes, so this art with a heart.
I'll keep my fingers crossed that my first collection will be a hit with the crafting audience and perhaps the channel will continue to work with me on future collections, as a Christmas range would be great to do too.
Keep an eye out for me, Channel 23 next Thursday 4th July, 9am and 5pm.
Fay x