Monday, 4 March 2013

On the move!

Behind the scenes over the past month, I have seen my greeting cards taking on a whole new look and have been working with some fantastic designers who have been transforming my cards into animations!

The creators at 'Jeego' featured in last month's Progressive Greetings Magazine. They have cleverly animated my 'Birdhouse' illustration in time for Mother's Day which you can send via Facebook, Twitter, email or straight to a mobile phone! Read all about them below...

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I like the idea Jeego have about 'moments'. We communicate using images more than ever before, sharing photos and videos in an instance. It's true that these 'moments' happen hundreds of times every day, and so there is now a new way to charm your family and friends through social media using this clever app. I wouldn't use the term 'e-card' for these animations, to my mind it's a bit passe with all of the connotations associated with the e-card of yesterday, and whilst there is a gap in the teenage card sending market, we have to offer new ways of communication from peer to peer which is edgier and more design-led. True, that teenagers perhaps miss out on the real thing on the mantlepiece to treasure, a format I have come to know and love, but I don't remember sharing my Birthday cards on the school bus with my mates, laughing about the latest trend in cards. 

Jeego's animators have done a fantastic job, making a charming animation from my greeting card. There are sure to be many more to follow.

Find out more about Jeego on their blog. You can download the app here.